
Unreal tournament 2018 console commands
Unreal tournament 2018 console commands

unreal tournament 2018 console commands unreal tournament 2018 console commands

KICKBAN - Kicks and bans the specified player from the server using their IP address. KICK - Kicks the specified player from the server STAT RENDER - Displays rendering statisticsĭEMOPLAY - Plays the specified demoĭEMOREC - Records a demo using the demoname you typeĪDMIN SWITCHLEVEL - Changes the current level to the specified level, game type and mutatorsĪDMIN - Performs the specified commandĪDMINLOGIN - Logs the admininstrator onto the server using the specified passwordĪDMINLOGOUT - Logs the administrator off the server.ĪDMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled True - Enables the remote admin webserver (after level change)ĪDMIN SET UWeb.Webserver bEnabled False - Disables the remote admin webserver (after level change) STAT FPS - Displays your frames per second SAY - Displays your message in global chat TEAMSAY - Displays your message in team chat SWITCHLEVEL - Switches to the specified level RECONNECT - Reconnect to the current server TELEPORT - Teleport to a random spot in the mapĪDDBOTS - Adds the specified number of botsīEHINDVIEW 1 - Changes to third person viewīEHINDVIEW 0 - Changes to first person viewĭISCONNECT - Disconnect from current server LOADED - Gives all weapons, ammo, and 100 adrenaline

#Unreal tournament 2018 console commands full#

Then type one of the following commands:ĪLLAMMO - Gives full ammo for all weapons To use console commands, press "~" while in game.

Unreal tournament 2018 console commands